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CO2OL - Synthesis of linear alpha-olefins from CO2

Contact: M.Sc. Niko Theunißen

Olefins such as ethene, propene and butene are starting materials for the production of many basic materials in the chemical industry, such as polyethylene (PE) or polypropylene (PP). The current production of olefins is based on fossil raw materials and is associated with high emissions of climate-damaging gases.

The joint project "CO2OL- Catalyst, reactor and process development for the direct synthesis of linear alpha-olefins fromCO2" has set itself the goal of demonstrating an alternative, climate-friendly production process. To this end, an olefin production route based onCO2 and hydrogen is being investigated. For example, waste gas streams from the cement industry or biogenic sources such as biogas can be used as asource of CO2. The hydrogen required can be produced in a climate-friendly way using water electrolysis from renewable electricity.

The core of the technological concept is the Fischer-Tropsch process, in which a paraffin/olefin product mixture is synthesized from synthesis gas. By modifying the catalyst system, this process is to be coupled with the reverse water-gas shift reaction. In this way,CO2 can be used directly as a starting material without prior synthesis gas production.

As part of the project, both the catalyst system, an innovative, scale-up-capable synthesis reactor, the separation process for the paraffin/olefin product mixture using a membrane process and the design, testing and optimization of the overall process are to be investigated and optimized. The process is to be implemented in the form of a mini plant during the project period. In addition to the technical implementation, process simulations will be used to evaluate the overall process based on theCO2 savings potential and economic factors.

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