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Publications and contributions from the Environmental and Process Analytics department


  • Functionalized polymers with letters from biological genetic material,
    A. Schmidt, T. Grimm, P. S. Tuchel, J. C. Namyslo, A. Fischer, K. Filip,
    Clausthaler Zentrum für Materialtechnik (ed.), Tagungsband 2. Niedersächsisches Symposium Materialtechnik, February 23 - 24, 2017,
    Fortschrittsberichte der Materialforschung und Werkstofftechnik 2017, Vol. 4, 419 - 432, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2017; ISBN: 9783844050691



  • Functionalized polymers based on natural materials for environmental technology and biologized metal recycling,
    A. Schmidt, C. F. Otto, J. C. Namyslo, A. Fischer, K. Filip,
    Clausthaler Zentrum für Materialtechnik (ed.), Tagungsband 4. Symposium Materialtechnik, February 25-26, 2021,
    Fortschrittsber. Materialforsch. Materials Technology / Bull. Mater. Res. Engin. 2021, 10, 601 - 620, Shaker Verlag, Düren, 2021; ISBN 978-3-8440-8021-6. ISSN 2364-0804.


  • Poster: Solids analysis of slag systems using electrothermal vaporization (ETV), Frederik Droste-Rehling, Axel K. Fischer, TU Clausthal Science Days 2022(PDF)


  • Study of isobaric vapor-liquid equilibria of diethyl carbonate + ethylene carbonate for lithium-ion battery electrolyte solvent recycling,
    Roland Nagl, Zengxuan Fan, Christian Nobis, Carmen Kiefer, Axel Fischer, Tian Zhang, Tim Zeiner, Michael Fischlschweiger,
    Journal of Molecular Liquids, Volume 386, 2023, 122449, ISSN 0167-7322,
  • Poster: Solids analysis of recycling slags, Frederik Droste-Rehling, TU Clausthal Studi-ScienceDay 2023(PDF)
  • Poster: Removal of heavy metals from water, Claudia Adolfs, Uwe Gohs, Axel Fischer, Sabine Beuermann, TU Clausthal Studi-ScienceDay 2023
  • Poster: Heavy metal removal with PVDF-mesh after graft polymerization and subsequent functionalization, Claudia Adolfs, Uwe Gohs, Axel Fischer, Sabine Beuermann, GDCh-Kolloquium 20.07.2023, TU Clausthal
  • Poster: Direct solid sample analysis of artificial slags by ETV-ICP-OES, Frederik Droste-Rehling, Axel K. Fischer, Ursula A. E. Fittschen, TXRF 2023 - 19th International Conference on Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Analysis and Related Methods(PDF)
  • Presentation: Challenges and approaches on characterization of LIB recycling slag by ETV-ICP-OES, Frederik Droste-Rehling, Axel K. Fischer, Ursula A. E. Fittschen, 7th PhD Seminar of the German Working Group for Analytical Spectroscopy (DAAS) in the GDCh Division of Analytical Chemistry(PDF)
    • Cutec News article: Conference visit and research networking (German)