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CLIMATE-neutral and residue-free sewage sludge utilization with PHOsphoric acid production in southeast Lower Saxony

The KlimaPhoNds project is pursuing decentralized phosphate extraction at sewage treatment plants and, building on this, centralized refinement of the phosphate precipitation products into high-quality phosphoric acid, ammonia water and magnesium chloride, which can be used, for example, in fertilizer production, in incineration plants, in nutrient production and internally in sewage treatment plants. In addition, the project aims to achieve complete energy and raw material recycling of sewage sludge. The resulting fully dried and low-phosphate sewage sludge can be utilized without residues as a fuel and aggregate in the cement industry for energy and material purposes, or alternatively as an additional fuel in power plants. Several innovations are to be implemented on an industrial scale in order to demonstrate the climate neutrality and resource efficiency of the developed concept.

KlimaPhoNds is a research and development project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the "Regional Phosphorus Recycling" (RePhoR) funding program and is supervised by the Project Management Agency Karlsruhe (PTKA).