Description of the project
The current status of the Clausthal Energy Park is as follows. The PV system on the building, the wood chip boiler including logistics and the heat pump can still be used from the beginnings of the project in 2000. From other projects, there is access to small CHP units and an absorption refrigeration system. The institute's entire heat generation is now provided by the energy park. A natural gas boiler, a natural gas CHP unit and a large solar thermal system are used for this purpose. The infrastructure has also been adapted accordingly. All systems are controlled via a control station. Current extensions include a redox flow battery and a rapid charging station.
Technical data
- PV system with 5.5 kW peak electrical output
- Wood chip boiler with 150 kW thermal output
- Motor CHP unit with 5.5 kW electrical and 12.5 kW thermal output
- Motor CHP modulating with 20 kW electrical and 43 kW thermal output
- Air/water heat pump with 15 kW thermal output
- Absorption refrigeration system with ammonia (NH3) as a refrigerant with a cold water output of 10 kW
- Natural gas boiler with 650 kW thermal output
- Natural gas CHP unit with 70 kW electrical and 120 kW thermal output
- Solar thermal system with approx. 50 kW thermal output
- Latent heat storage with a capacity of 2.3 MWh
- Heat distribution system and local heating pipeline
- Battery storage with 120 kWh capacity
- Redox flow battery with 10 kW output and 100 kWh storage capacity
- Fast charging station with 20/22 kW charging capacity
- Control center with control, regulation, data acquisition and archive

Scientific Assistant
Telephone: +49 5323 72-6240