ArtFuel Plant


The circulating fluidized bed for the gasification of biomass has been in operation at CUTEC since 2004. The feed system, which was initially designed for pellet-type fuels, was converted for the conveying of straw-type fuels from 2009. A straw chopper, a straw mill and a pneumatic conveying system were added. The system was designed for 400 kWth. Depending on the calorific value, the fuel mass flow is typically around 60 - 80 kg/h. The gas cleaning system consists of a hot gas filter with ceramic filter cartridges to remove dust from the gas, a water scrubber and an RME scrubber. The required hydrogen-carbon monoxide ratio can be set using a shift reactor. Fine purification of the synthesis gas to synthesis quality is possible in the downstream ABSART plant. From there, the gas can be fed to a synthesis plant.

Technical data

  • Design: 400 kWth
  • Height of the system: 8 m
  • Diameter of upflow section: 0.3 m
  • Typical reaction temperatures: 750°C - 900°C
  • Gas cleaning and treatment: hot gas filter, shift reactor, water scrubber and RME scrubber
  • Biomasses used: including wood, straw, switchgrass, miscanthus, fermentation residues; also SBS, sewage sludge and digested sludge

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