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Conference attendance and research networking

The Environmental and Process Analytics department took part in the ETV user meeting at BAM in Berlin.

After a four-year break due to the pandemic, the ETV user meeting 2023 on electrothermal vaporisation (ETV), a technique for sample introduction in chemical analysis that is usually coupled to ICP-OES or ICP-MS, took place on 15 November. In addition to specialist presentations and discussions on current developments in the technology, department head Dr Axel Fischer and research associate Frederik Droste-Rehling from the UPA department exchanged ideas with developers and users of ETV.

Within the CUTEC UPA department, the ETV is used in conjunction with an ICP-OES for research on slags from lithium-ion battery recycling and is supervised by Mr Droste-Rehling.

The ETV user meeting took place as part of the 7th Doctoral Seminar of the German Working Group for Analytical Spectroscopy (DAAS) of the German Chemical Society (DGCh) - Analytical Chemistry Section. True to the motto ‘By doctoral students for doctoral students’, the seminar was organised by the doctoral students of Department 1.1 Inorganic Trace Analysis of the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) and held at the BAM branch office in Berlin Adlershof.

Mr Droste-Rehling took part in the international scientific exchange at the seminar, which was held in English, with his presentation ‘Challenges and approaches on characterisation of LIB recycling slag by ETV-ICP-OES’. In addition to presentations and poster contributions by doctoral students from research areas related to spectroscopy, keynotes on research and careers enriched the programme.


Frederik Droste-Rehling during his presentation on the ETV application at CUTEC. Photo: BAM